06 November 2008

Good Things Happened

1. Obama won. I've always liked him. Will he do anything with the visa settlement for Indonesians though?

2. Someone just got a straight A's after putting up the target for these last 7 years.
*I just realized how happy I am for you*

3. Work is great and very enjoyable.

4. I will have a 2 weeks Christmas holiday soon.
*Can't wait!*

5. I just put some noticeable amount (quite an achievement for me) into my saving account.

6. I got some more job. Which means more income. It's always been good to have more money, right? Save it for the rainy days.

7. I am laying on my bed right now, typing this post. Which also means that I have a comfy bed in a descent house to keep me warm from the rain and wind outside.

8. I know that I will always have Him beside me.
U know, sometimes u just can't count on people anymore. Even the ones closest to your heart. After all, they are just human beings.

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